Monday, May 19, 2014

Cia Italia, White Beach

Date of visit: April 6, 2014

We had dinner here a few years back when we visited Puerto Galera with my Mom and Dad (pre-Tonyo days). We saw the sign board again while exploring White Beach during our April 2014 trip. Since it was my birthday, and we like Italian - it was easy to convince the boys to eat there!

Cia Italia is located at the edge of White Beach, towards the rocks that can lead you to the Tamaraw Beach Resort. (If you're coming in from the sea towards White Beach, it should be on your right). There seems to be two Italian restaurants there, Cia Italia is the one that's higher up and closer to the rocks!

We ordered ham (prosciutto), mushroom, and tomato pizza, tomato soup, and seafood pasta. I am no food connoisseur, but I can honestly say that the food was good. I've been to Italy and have tasted pizza with authentic Italian ingredients, and this was as close as my taste memory can take me. Yum! The price was reasonable, too (we paid around Php 700 for all). Less than what you would pay for a so-so Italian meal in Manila.

The atmosphere of the restaurant was far from Italian, and more of a Pinoy bar-on-the-beach :-) That didn't bother me :-) It was cozy and quiet. A far cry from the noisy and thumping restos along White Beach. Cia Italia is a good, laid-back, no frills restaurant that serves good food. Can be a good venue for a date, too.

We can definitely eat here again. Ciao!

Tonyo with the Italian chef and owner of Cia Italia.

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