Tuesday, August 1, 2017

My Pregnancy and Essential Oils

There are so many stories to tell about this pregnancy, but let me start with this one!

Being pregnant is definitely a significant stage in a woman's life. For me, it is also a time for self-love and self-care. I am now at the tail-end of a complicated pregnancy (Baby Girl popping out tomorrow!), and I just wanted to share the oils that helped me get through its ups and downs.

Preggy Support (and our BaoBao!) 

During this pregnancy, I had about 9 different pills to drink each day - capped off by an injection I administer myself through the tummy. None of these to prevent "normal" preggy woes such as nausea, dizzyness, allergies, back pain, stretchmarks, and anxiety. I decided I had to find natural ways to cope with these to prevent further abuse to my body!

That's when I considered using aromatherapy. Instead of popping pills for colds/ allergies / flu - why not be proactive and use therapeutic oils? I figured I'd be hitting two birds with one stone, since Tonyo also needed immunity and allergy support.

Before I share with you the oils I used throughout the pregnancy, some reminders:

  • If you are skeptical, please consult with your healthcare professional. What I am sharing with you are based on my own research and personal opinion. I've been asked about the safety of these, and I have been very careful and use them in moderation. I also thought that if my body could tolerate the tremendous amount of pollution I inhale and toxins I ingest everyday, some therapeutic oils won't hurt. :) 
  • I only use one brand which is Young Living, a US-based company which stands by the integrity and authenticity of their oils. Upon checking websites and testimonies, I find YL's brand promise a definite stand out among all other oils. (Feel free to ask me about my "why") 
Anyway, here are my PREGGY oils and how I use them! 

What I DIFFUSE (I have an electronic diffuser, also from Young Living, which I fill with water and a few drops of essential oils so it releases the wonder vapor into the air in my room.) 
  • For Good Sleep - 2 drops Lavender, 2 drops Frankincense. Really, best sleep ever! 
  • For Allergies - 2 drops each Peppermint, Lemon, Lavender. When I feel like popping a Claritin, I just diffuse this seasonal blend and the sniffles go away! 
  • To invoke a General, Happy Feeling - 2 drops Stress Away and 2 drops Orange. Imagine sipping a cocktail at the beach! 
What I ROLL (I blend essential oils with sunflower oil as carrier/ filler in a 10ml roll-on bottle and use when needed!) 

  • SLEEP - Lavender/ Frankincense
  • NAUSEA - Orange/ Peppermint (really helped combat icky smells, i.e. riding smelly cabs. Also uplifts the spirit, i.e. "HAPPY" oil 
  • CALM / ANTI-ANXIETY - Peace and Calming Oil ; a combination of Tangerine, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Blue Tansy. I can put a drop of the pure oil between my hands and inhale for a feeling of calm. These were specially useful when I needed to have blood extractions or other nerve-wracking tests (or tasls!) 
  • FOR DECONGESTION - When we have clogged noses, or bad icky coughs,  I blend RC and Lemon in a roller bottle and use it as I used to use Vicks Vapor Rub. I usually rub on mine (or Tonyo's) bottoms of feet , back, and chest area. 

  • BACK / FOOT/ HEEL PAIN - all that weight gain and changing center of gravity causes pain in several places :D in a 15ml dropper, I blended 15 drops Panaway and 5 drops Peppermint. Seriously, a drop of this rubbed along my lower back or across my shoulders takes the pain away. Also along the heel! (Note: I only used this when it got really, really uncomfortable because some oils in the blend should be used with caution when pregnant)

That's about it for now and the next time I blog, I'll be a new mommy and I do look forward to sharing with you the oils I brought to the hospital in preparation for my C-Section and the oils for welcoming the baby! 

St Lukes BGC (8 hours 'til C/S. Please pray for a safe delivery and a healthy baby!) 

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