Monday, September 4, 2017

My Top Mommy Shopping Sites

Pregnancy has the tendency to "weigh you down" - and I meant that literally and figuratively! By the 3rd trimester, I really did not have the energy to go out to brave the mall crowds. During the few times that I DID go out, I got overwhelmed with the choices but was NOT able to find what I needed. Most of the time, I went home burned out, empty-handed, and with my back and heels aching.

Thank goodness for online shopping. I thought I'd share the online shopping websites that made me want to yell, "Thank you!! Take my money!"

Here's a quick rundown of the websites, and I will post detailed reviews of some of  my favorite items soon.

For maternity and nursing wear: 

Elin Women's Clothing 

When I stumbled across Elin through a social media ad, I just couldn't get enough of it! They have a lot of classic pieces that could be worn during pregnancy, for nursing and breastfeeding, and even beyond. I spent a lot of time browsing and had a hard time choosing because I liked them all :)

It is also worth mentioning that Elin has good, close-to-reality sizing. I am a large person, and Pinoy "Free Size" or even 4XLs from the typical tiangge or bargain racks won't fit me. Elin's sizing is more accurate and less disappointing!

The prices of their items were pretty reasonable and almost the same as the cost of the maternity clothes in the malls. I just liked Elin's selection better. I think I bought 2 tops, a maternity pencil skirt, maternity leggings, 2 dresses, and a convertible scarf. Great value for money, I received a lot of compliments. and I am confident that I can use them for a long time beyond the pregnancy!

For breastfeeding needs: 


I think it is a great idea to have a store dedicated to breastfeeding. I visited the physical store in BGC and was awed about how much available stuff there were to support breastfeeding.

My first purchase during that visit was the Haakaa Silicone Breast Pump. I had heard a lot of good feedback online and knew that Babymama was one of the few accredited resellers of the New Zealand brand.

After giving birth and while recovering from my C-Section - I purchased via their website the following items: a Spectra 9plus breast pump, Mother Nurture powdered lactation drinks (chocolate and coffee - and I think they really work!), Malunggay capsules, and my best purchase of all, the Upspring Abdominal Binder.

<Update, October 2017> - I also bought a SaYa baby carrier and a portable UV sterilizer from Babymama! Talk about being a one-stop shop!

To help increase breast milk:

Mommy Treats Ph

I had my breastfeeding struggles (thankfully, I am over it now and we are breastfeeding beautifully!) and to cheer me up, my friend Yvette sent me some lactation brownies and cookies from Mommy Treats and they were so yummy! I immediately ordered when I finished the batch she sent me.

I believe they work! I think they not only increased my milk volume, but the treats also improved my milk quality. I notice that I produce creamier milk whenever I consume the Mommy Treats :)

I wanted to check out other snacks and that's how I found....

Sweet Delights By Charlotte 

Since I wanted to try a bit of everything, I chose the 1 week supply assorted box (Php 490) which has Oat Chocolate Chip Cookies, Brownies, Chunky Chocolate Walnut Blondies, and Cheesecake Brownies.

Her Cheesecake Brownies are the BOMB! Ang sarap! I have to keep them from Tonyo because he eats them! Mag Goldilocks na lang sya hindi nya need mag breastfeed haha.

Again, these treats really work to increase my supply while letting me enjoy dessert. Charlotte, the owner, is really sweet as well and happy to respond to inquiries about her goodies and breastfeeding overall.

If you ask me which among the two (Mommy Treats or Sweet Delights) is better - it's s a tough choice :D Though personally, I prefer Sweet Delights because of the cost and the cheesecake brownies, hehe.

For local, natural, organic bath/ body/ baby products: 

Human Heart Nature 

I've been an HHN advocate for a long time, more so during this pregnancy when I decided to cut back on chemical-laden body care products. HHN also compliments my newest essential oil fan-mode, and I see their products as a good base for my therapeutic oils!

I also love it that by purchasing HHN products, we are supporting local farms and enterprises. I like the brand so much that I've signed up to be a distributor and advocate in order to take advantage of the discount. Do let me know if you want more information on that by leaving me a message below :)

Online shopping has really evolved over the years! It has made life more convenient for everyone. I wish I had these at my fingertips during my first pregnancy. These websites are also good if you are scouting for a perfect baby shower gift!! Happy surfing and shopping !

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Our Birthing Story - Maia

Our birthing story will come in trickles. As I have said before, it was a complicated pregnancy with a lot of side stories!

I am primarily writing this entry for my sisters in the Facebook support group, All about APAS and Immuno-Reproductive Cases. I am part of a small population of women whose immune systems recognize growing babies as enemies, hence attacking the growing fetus. There are several categories of these Immuno-reproductive cases, some are about blood compatibility of the mom and dad, allergic reactions to sperm, etc... It's a frustrating and expensive condition ! I intend to write more about that in another article, but for now, here's my birthing story!

(I will update this entry with links to relevant blog entries as I complete them.)

Samantha Olivia, our little Maia, was born via elective CS last August 2, 2017. OB and Immunologist both recommended to deliver at around 36-37 weeks to prevent labor and stress for both mom and baby.

2009 – missed miscarriage (M/C) at 14 weeks, waited 3 months for natural M/C, had D&C (note: "missed miscarriage" is when the baby loses its heartbeat but stays in the mom's womb) 

2010 – emergency C/S at 37 weeks due to weak/ irregular fetal heartbeat via Doppler. Baby boy was in NICU for 11 days due to low birthweight and sepsis (pneumonia, UTI). I was not yet diagnosed for APAS then, our first miracle-rainbow baby is now 6 years old!

2014 – another missed M/C at 16 weeks, 2 weeks before natural M/C, had D&C

2017 – positive pregnancy test, searched for a new OB (who referred me to an immunologist), got tested for RID, diagnosed Cat 3, and subsequently treated as APAS. Elective CS at 37 weeks, healthy (though small at 5.2 lbs) baby girl.

Hospital: St. Luke’s BGC
OB Gyne: Dr. May Anne Tabaquero
Immunologist: Dr. CJ Gloria

Vitamins and Medication:
Solgar 5 Billion 2x a day / Culturelle 15 Billion once available :) 
Clusivol OB
Aldomet (gestational hypertension manifested during 2nd trimester)
Aspirin (up to 33 weeks)
Innohep .35 (1 shot a day, up to 2 days before surgery, and then resume 2 days after surgery for 10 more days)
Betamethasone, 2 shots 24 hours apart at 24 weeks for baby’s lung development
Aminovita (from 34 weeks onwards, increased dosage from every other day, to daily, to twice – 3x a day!)
Intralipid transfusion (once at 35 weeks due to low birthweight of baby)

Additional support that I think helped:
Oatmeal (whole oats) for breakfast to manage constipation
Other probiotics such as Yakult and yogurt

I really felt well taken care of during my pregnancy! Perhaps it was because I knew already that we had the immune disorder, and was doing something about it -- unlike the previous pregnancies when were always guessing.  I also had the privilege of knowing Dr. Tantoco (OB/ Perinatologist/ Sonographer) who did most of my Doppler studies, and also Dr. Young (Anaesthesiologist) who helped make the whole C/S process as “comfortable” and less traumatic as possible. 

The whole experience at SLMC-BGC was also pleasant. The nurses at the 8th Floor (I think it's the maternity floor) were all nice, approachable, and had good bedside manners. 

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

My Pregnancy and Essential Oils

There are so many stories to tell about this pregnancy, but let me start with this one!

Being pregnant is definitely a significant stage in a woman's life. For me, it is also a time for self-love and self-care. I am now at the tail-end of a complicated pregnancy (Baby Girl popping out tomorrow!), and I just wanted to share the oils that helped me get through its ups and downs.

Preggy Support (and our BaoBao!) 

During this pregnancy, I had about 9 different pills to drink each day - capped off by an injection I administer myself through the tummy. None of these to prevent "normal" preggy woes such as nausea, dizzyness, allergies, back pain, stretchmarks, and anxiety. I decided I had to find natural ways to cope with these to prevent further abuse to my body!

That's when I considered using aromatherapy. Instead of popping pills for colds/ allergies / flu - why not be proactive and use therapeutic oils? I figured I'd be hitting two birds with one stone, since Tonyo also needed immunity and allergy support.

Before I share with you the oils I used throughout the pregnancy, some reminders:

  • If you are skeptical, please consult with your healthcare professional. What I am sharing with you are based on my own research and personal opinion. I've been asked about the safety of these, and I have been very careful and use them in moderation. I also thought that if my body could tolerate the tremendous amount of pollution I inhale and toxins I ingest everyday, some therapeutic oils won't hurt. :) 
  • I only use one brand which is Young Living, a US-based company which stands by the integrity and authenticity of their oils. Upon checking websites and testimonies, I find YL's brand promise a definite stand out among all other oils. (Feel free to ask me about my "why") 
Anyway, here are my PREGGY oils and how I use them! 

What I DIFFUSE (I have an electronic diffuser, also from Young Living, which I fill with water and a few drops of essential oils so it releases the wonder vapor into the air in my room.) 
  • For Good Sleep - 2 drops Lavender, 2 drops Frankincense. Really, best sleep ever! 
  • For Allergies - 2 drops each Peppermint, Lemon, Lavender. When I feel like popping a Claritin, I just diffuse this seasonal blend and the sniffles go away! 
  • To invoke a General, Happy Feeling - 2 drops Stress Away and 2 drops Orange. Imagine sipping a cocktail at the beach! 
What I ROLL (I blend essential oils with sunflower oil as carrier/ filler in a 10ml roll-on bottle and use when needed!) 

  • SLEEP - Lavender/ Frankincense
  • NAUSEA - Orange/ Peppermint (really helped combat icky smells, i.e. riding smelly cabs. Also uplifts the spirit, i.e. "HAPPY" oil 
  • CALM / ANTI-ANXIETY - Peace and Calming Oil ; a combination of Tangerine, Orange, Ylang Ylang, Patchouli, Blue Tansy. I can put a drop of the pure oil between my hands and inhale for a feeling of calm. These were specially useful when I needed to have blood extractions or other nerve-wracking tests (or tasls!) 
  • FOR DECONGESTION - When we have clogged noses, or bad icky coughs,  I blend RC and Lemon in a roller bottle and use it as I used to use Vicks Vapor Rub. I usually rub on mine (or Tonyo's) bottoms of feet , back, and chest area. 

  • BACK / FOOT/ HEEL PAIN - all that weight gain and changing center of gravity causes pain in several places :D in a 15ml dropper, I blended 15 drops Panaway and 5 drops Peppermint. Seriously, a drop of this rubbed along my lower back or across my shoulders takes the pain away. Also along the heel! (Note: I only used this when it got really, really uncomfortable because some oils in the blend should be used with caution when pregnant)

That's about it for now and the next time I blog, I'll be a new mommy and I do look forward to sharing with you the oils I brought to the hospital in preparation for my C-Section and the oils for welcoming the baby! 

St Lukes BGC (8 hours 'til C/S. Please pray for a safe delivery and a healthy baby!)